New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science
Health professionals who stand for medical truth and freedom, fully informed consent and place the patient back at the heart of the therapeutic relationship. We aim to educate, provide holistic care and work towards a responsive, integrated health system.

New Zealand Teachers Speaking Out with Science
NZTSOS was established by a team of education professionals that are deeply concerned with our education leaders direction and controls. Since the introduction of the mandates NZTSOS have directed their attention to the High Courts to fight the unjust and unfair segregation imposed by the current government.

Free NZ
Liz Gunn's FreeNZ is about sharing Kiwi stories. We hope to bring the public's attention to the stories of Jab-injured Kiwis, ignored and ostracised by the mainstream media, as well as Kiwis who have been affected by the covid mandates, and any other freedom-loving Kiwis who aspire to create a better vision for New Zealand.

Nurses for Freedom NZ
Nurses for Freedom NZ was set up to support Nurses, Midwives and Health Care Assistants mandated from employment due to Covid- 19 vaccine mandates. With over 800 members, NFFNZ aims to provide action-based solutions to the current health care crisis and address the ongoing discrimination faced by healthcare professionals.

Number 8 Workers' Union of New Zealand Inc
The Number 8 Workers’ Union is devoid of political interference & specifically forbids the coercion of workers to become the subject of medical interventions by the strategy of the threat of job loss

Voters United
Are you unhappy with the currently elected political parties? Do you feel voting in the past has been wasted? Voters United believe we need to UNITE and VOTE strategically in the 2023 election. Find out how and join now...

Freedom Alliance NZ
Freedom Alliance New Zealand was set up to inform the public about COVID-19 and the New Zealand government’s response to it. We are also warning about national and international threats to our country’s sovereignty and our democratic rights

Fluoride Free New Zealand
Fluoride Free New Zealand is an organisation set up to protect kiwis from the harmful effects of fluoridated water. We believe fluoridation does not reduce dental decay, is harmful to health and it violates our fundamental right to consent to medical treatments

Let kids be kids
In May 2023 a brave mum spoke to her son's school Board of Trustees of her concern about the MOE’s Relationship & Sexuality Guidelines (RSE) and the MOH’s vaccine narrative being pushed in schools.
The video of her speech was seen by thousands.

People's Health Alliance
The People’s Health Alliance has a vision to facilitate the creation of a holistic healthcare service by creating a network of independent, integrated health hubs that support their local communities as well as the wider PHA network.

New Zealand Lawyers Speaking Out with Science
NZLSOS is a group of lawyers, legal executives and law students who lobby on various issues that impact on human rights.

Resistance Kiwi
Resistance Kiwi is dedicated to promoting and protecting freedom principles and provides media commentary, critical analyses and satire on matters relevant to the evolving and devolving socio-political landscape in New Zealand.

Kiwis for Good
Kiwis For Good are a non profit multimedia platform raising awareness of mental health. Formed in 2019 we are fully sustained by our donors and receive zero government handouts meaning we have the freedom to speak the truth about mental health, fearlessly. Our profits provide services including free counselling for teenagers and young people in NZ as well as offering online and in person. We are Kiwis For Good, join us.

Kiwis Protecting Our Freedom of Expression
To have freedom of expression risks someone else being offended and being offended literally has never hurt anyone. We need to stand against this type of legislative attack on our rights. Our website is about having a Quality Grp of people who interact with valuable knowledge, ideas & comments ... most of us are learning , want to become more informed etc...

Kiwi Voice
Kiwi Voice is Media outlet for Political and Social Commentary, Analysis & interviews. Kiwi Voice provides an alternative to mainstream media, speaking for and to, all Kiwis

NZ School Communities Unite
A collective to uphold the rights of parents, caregivers, guardians, their children, school staff in line with self governance. We stand toe to toe within the lore of the living, our feet rooted into the earth we stand upon.

Media Collective
The NZ Media Collective is a group generated as a result of the Queenstown Hui after the Wellington protest. This is a collaborative effort of media content providers, marketing specialists, and doco film producers committed to the future of honest media in NZ. We support each other and share news tips in an atmosphere of trust.

We Came Here For Freedom
We Came Here for Freedom is a documentary film and website telling the story of the 2022 New Zealand Freedom protests in Wellington, as well as an evolving archive of memories, artwork and music telling the stories of New Zealanders ignored by the government and media.

Unify NZ
Unify NZ organizes professional, inclusive, public awareness events with top national Keynote Speakers & Panel Members to educate regional, concerned citizens plus offer alternative viewpoints regarding critical NZ issues such as Co-Goverance vs Democracy, Agenda 2030, Educational Indoctrination, Failing Economy, etc.

We're committed to standing up against unworkable regulations, seeking effective solutions to environmental issues, and providing a strong advocacy voice for rural communities across New Zealand..

Deep South Freedom Collective
We are a collective of Freedom Warriors from the Deep South of NZ - from Oamaru across Central Otago to Queenstown to Southland and back. We are able to reach out across this area to link people independently and cohesively. We stand in unity and love.

Jam For Freedom NZ
JFF NZ is the New Zealand chapter of a worldwide movement started in the UK and backed by Eric Clapton. It's about creating community, and getting the message out about Freedom and Health