Cyclone Gabrielle’s Deadly Destruction

Over the days and nights of 13 & 14th of February Cyclone Gabrielle unleashed its fury onto New Zealand, with the Hawke’s Bay/Gisborne areas being the most seriously affected. This was truly a deadly combination of wind and water… with already saturated soil from the months of rain, the trees fell easily and the water surged… down the hills, along the streams and rivers, through fields, orchards and homes. 

It is estimated thousands of hectares have been decimated, with walls of water (some 12m high), tonnes of silt, pine slash and logs.

The towns and cities seem to have power back on but the most severe issues seem to be in the tiny rural communities, with many not yet having any contact or support. The authorities have gone in and are supporting the already locally established community efforts – and according to the people on the ground there, the local people power has made an incredible difference – true grassroots recovery. But they still need support and back up. 

Listen to a caller to NewstalkZB for the truth of what is happening:

We have been asked to let you all know that what the region needs is PEOPLE POWER. Follow the link below to find the directory that will give you all the different organisations that are working to help in this extreme crisis. 

Please note if you intend to go to help please be self sufficient as the local supplies are heavily strained. 

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